- It always puts your Halo party 1 person over the playlist party limit
- It invalidates your "let me save first" excuse to get out of household chores, because she knows that there are no "save points"
- She takes more time dressing up her Rock Band character in the Rock Shop than the rest of the band put together
- Having your headshot fails or lame combos pointed out by a girl somehow hurts twice as much
- When she drops out of the party it kicks you out as well, since you're on the same console
- She gets more Xbox Live friend requests in a single game of Halo than you do all year
- She understands that sometimes saving the galaxy is a little more important than doing the dishes
- Sometimes she really is ok with watching you play
- You always have a Doubles partner in Halo
- MASSIVE street cred online for playing with a real life girl
- She knows what a 200-hit delayed triple hyper combo is, and gets that it's pretty freakin sweet
- Understands what you mean when you say you don't love video games more, just differently
In other words, you get mad approval points which gets you tons of XP and lets you level up uber fast.
'Til next time, folks.
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