Monday, August 2, 2010

Round 1....FIGHT

So I've had this idea for a while now, but I've been putting it off forever for a variety of reasons.  Mostly I've been hesitant to commit to something as scary as a public blog because now I'll always feel like I should be writing in it, otherwise the internet will be angry with me.  In the end my ambition won out and thus here I am in all my resplendent blogtacular glory.  I guess I'll consider the first month or so a probationary period, and we'll see how things go from there.

If you're one of the pair of people reading this (sorry mom, you don't count) you may be wondering what exactly you can expect to find in my little corner of the web.  Fair enough.  Force Feedback is, quite simply, a place for me to come and talk about video games and the industry surrounding them.  I'll probably also be talking about movies and comics here and there, but seeing as how games are what eats up most of my time I'll probably stick to that primarily.  Will I be reviewing specific games?  Every now and then, if I really love a game, or really hate it, or if I feel like a particular game is important or impactful in some way.  For the most part though, I'll leave the reviews of mediocre games to the people who are getting paid to do it.  There are tons of them, and I'm not one (grumble grumble).  No, the purpose of this blog is far more nebulous and far less practically useful to the smattering of readers I may acquire.  The main focus of Force Feedback is going to be me writing about video games on a larger scale, why we love them (or hate them), etc.  It's also my hope that every now and then I can encourage my team of esteemed fellow Jedi-ninja-pirate-wizards to contribute as well, since more perspectives tend to be better than less, and everybody loves a good fight.

Well that's about it for the introductory stuff.  If you're still with me it must be because you have at least a marginal interest in what I have to say.  Welcome to Force Feedback.  You've been warned.

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